I'm so excited! I have a Valentine! Well...sort of...I do have someone in my life who loves me unconditionally—my dog. So I decided that this year SHE would be my Valentine. Yea! I might not get any gifts, but I had to make her something. I came up with this Conversation Heart pillow and matching tennis ball comet toy.
Want to make them?
Here's what you'll need:
Conversation Heart Pillow
- Pink Polarfleece
- Pencil and paper
- Pins
- Red fabric paint and brush
- Thread
- Sewing machine
- Stuffing
- Squeaker (optional)
- Needle
Tennis Ball Comet
- Polarfleece
- Straightedge, rotary cutting tool, and mat
- Thread
- Sewing machine
- Tennis ball
To make the Conversation Heart, start with a paper and pencil and make your heart pattern. You can make yours any size; I made mine 12 inches by 9-1/2 inches.
Pin the heart pattern onto the pink Polarfleece. Cut out your two fleece hearts. Decide what you want your conversation heart to say. I went with "puppy luv" but you could go with any of the fun conversation heart phrases. I used Jacquard Textile Paint to paint my heart. I really like the pigment and texture of this paint, but you can use whatever paint you find, just make sure it's washable fabric paint.
Paint the conversation onto your heart. Let your paint dry. While your paint dries, measure along one side of your heart, from the dip to the point. Add 1 inch. Use this measurement by 3 inches wide to cut two side pieces for your heart. My sides measured 20 inches by 3 inches.
The front, back, and sides of the heart.
Pin one side onto the front of your heart, then sew it down using a 3/8-inch seam allowance. Repeat with the other side. Sew the sides together at the top (the dip of the heart) and at the bottom (the point of the heart).
The sides sewn onto the front of your heart.
Pin the back of the heart onto the sides. Sew the back of your heart onto the sides using a 3/8-inch seam allowance, leaving a 2-inch hole.
Turn your heart right side out. Once your heart is turned right side out, stuff it with poly-fil. Add a squeaker if you'd like.
Sew up the hole by hand, making several passes to secure the stuffing.
Fluff the stuffing of your pillow, and it's ready for your puppy love! Now for the comet! All you need are a few strips of Polarfleece and a tennis ball. The strips of the cover are cut 2-1/2 inches by 28 inches.
Cross your two strips in the middle and pin them together.
Sew the two strips together using a tight zigzag stitch.
You can also sew them together using a straight stitch or regular zigzag stitch. I just like the polished, machine-appliqué look of the tight zigzag. Mark 3 inches down from where the two pieces of fabric are sewn together. Cut your strips in half up to your 3-inch mark.
Pin the sides of your strips together, then sew using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Repeat until all four sides are sewn up to the 3-inch mark.
Once all four sides are sewn, turn the comet cover right side out. The Polarfleece cover is all sewn up.
This next bit is optional. My Gracie likes lots of fabric flying from her toys, so I added more before I put the cover onto the tennis ball. Cut two 36-inch strips of Polarfleece. Fold in half and cut up to the 3-inch point. Cover the tennis ball.
Slide the fleece cover over the covered tennis ball.
Use a thin strip of fleece and tie a knot around the base of the tennis ball. Once it's tied off, your comet is ready to fly!
With this heart and this comet, your dog will be your Valentine for this year and many years to come.
Happy Valentine's Day!
From... www.craftstylish.com