How to make a child’s chef hat

These chef hats were  gifts for a couple of sweet girls. I packaged them with cookie decorating supplies (and hopefully will make them matching aprons in the future).


  • 1 -  18" circle
  • 1 -  8" X 24" rectangle
  • 1 - 8" X  24" lightweight to medium weight iron on interfacing dental floss
  • 1/2 inch Velcro (about 12")
  • 3" piece of double fold bias tape


Iron interfacing to 8" X 24" piece following manufacture's instructions. Press  fabric in half lengthwise and press each edge under 1/2".

Fold piece right sides together, starting 1/2" down from open side, stitch across each end. Turn right side out.

Stitch a 3" piece of bias tape around an edge of the circle.

Zig zag stitch over a piece of dental floss starting and stopping on each side of bias tape.


Pin band piece around the gathered edge. Find center of band and center of top piece and begin pinning there.  Adjust gathers until the band fits the gathered edge, starting at stopping about a 1/4" over the bias tape on each side (notice how the 1/2" that wasn't sewn on each end neatly slips around the bias tape). Pin heavily to keep in place.  This takes some adjusting but it is so nice to have all the unfinished edges covered.

Sewing very close to the edge, sew band to top of hat, removing pins as sewing to keep band flat. It might be necessary to slightly pull the band to keep it smooth.

In the back fold left side over as far as the bias tape opening will allow on top of right side. Place Velcro in this overlapping area and sew all four pieces to hat band.

Sew along each edge of each end if desired, to close area placed over bias tape.

