Brighten a clutch of undyed eggs with stylized patterns from paper napkins.
No need for meticulous cutting: A loose trim around the designs will do, as the napkins' edges will blend into the eggshells.
Chipboard baskets, packed with the colorful creations and holiday sweets, are decorated with coordinating tags.
Blow Out Eggs
1. Pierce both ends of a raw egg using the tip of a sharp craft knife. Twist knife gently in holes to widen them slightly, with bottom hole a bit larger.
2. Poke a straightened paper clip into the larger hole; pierce yolk, and stir.
3. Hold egg, larger hole down, over a bowl. Insert the tip of a rubber ear syringe (available at drugstores) into smaller hole. Blow air into egg to expel its contents. Rinse egg with warm water; drain. Blow air into egg again. Let dry.
Paper-Napkin Decoupage How-To
1. Trim loosely around the designs on a white napkin using small scissors. Separate printed top layer; discard lower sheets.
2. Coat part of a blown-out white egg (or a white paper tag) with Mod Podge using a small brush. Apply 1 cutout design to egg (or tag); smooth with brush. Let dry. Repeat, adding designs as desired.
3. Apply Mod Podge with a medium brush to entire egg (or tag). Let dry.
Decoupage Tools and Materials
Small, sharp scissors
Patterned white paper napkins (we used Summer Hamptons Lunch Napkins No. 4873, $5.95 per set of 20, by Paper Products Design, from and Cherry-Blossom paper napkins in sky blue No. 004817, $6.25 per set of 20, from
Mod Podge glue sealant (matte finish: No.19574255), by Plaid, from, or similar decoupage glue
Small and medium craft brushes with noncolored handles
Blown-out eggs
Patterned white paper napkins (we used Summer Hamptons Lunch Napkins No. 4873, $5.95 per set of 20, by Paper Products Design, from and Cherry-Blossom paper napkins in sky blue No. 004817, $6.25 per set of 20, from
Mod Podge glue sealant (matte finish: No.19574255), by Plaid, from, or similar decoupage glue
Small and medium craft brushes with noncolored handles
Blown-out eggs
Optional for Display
Paper tags
Mini baskets, from and 3/8-inch reed handles (No. 1038F), from
Wood filler
Easter grass in Cappuccino (No. GR009), $3 per 3 ounces, from
From: Martha Stewart
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