Bobbing Bird

Wrote by Family Fun

These pint-sized penguins, made with a bit of foam and little more, are sure to waddle right into your child's heart.
  • Craft knife
  • 1-liter plastic soda bottle
  • Fist-size ball of clay
  • White athletic sock
  • Rubber band
  • Wooden spoon
  • Black Foamies craft foam
  • Laundry soap bottle cap
  • Rubber ball
  • Scissors


Use a craft knife (adults only) to cut a flap in one side of a 1-liter plastic soda bottle. Place a fist-size ball of clay inside the bottle (this will keep it from toppling over too easily), then pull a white athletic sock up over the bottle from the bottom. Twist a rubber band around the bottle neck to hold the sock in place and use the handle of a wooden spoon to tuck the sock top into the bottle.

From black Foamies craft foam, cut a rectangle that wraps three quarters of the way around the bottle and extends about two thirds of the way up from the bottom. Trim the edges to resemble penguin wings and attach them to the sock with mounting tape. Next, cut out colored-foam eyes, a beak, a bow tie and feet and tape them in place. Top off your bird with a laundry soap bottle cap hat.

Next, cut out colored-foam eyes, a beak, a bow tie and feet and tape them in place. Top off your bird with a laundry soap bottle cap hat.

Now, try your luck at making the penguin waddle. The trick is to roll a rubber ball so that it knocks the bottle smartly without tipping it over
