From the book, Handmade Birthday
When a new bundle of joy arrives, celebrate the birth with an adorable towel roll that keeps small objects conveniently organized.
What You Need:
Hand towel, approximately 17 x 29-1/2-inches
Matching thread and needle
1 yard of 1/2- to 1-inch-wide embroidered trim
Pins; bunny, duck, and/or flower baby buttons
Mini rickrack trim; chenille rickrack
1 yard of 1-inch-wide ribbon or 2-inch-long strip of touch fastener, such as Velcro
1. Working on the right side of the towel, use asewing machine or needle and thread to stitch the embroidered trim down the length of one long edge.
2. Lay the towel right side down, placing the embroidered trim edge at bottom. Fold the length of the bottom edge up to reveal the trim and create a 7-inch-deep pocket. Pin and then stitch the folded towel together every 3 to 6 inches to create divided pockets. Before stitching the edges of the first pocket on the right-hand side of the towel together, arrange baby buttons and rickrack along the edge on the other (right) side of towel. This edge will become the top of the rolled-up case. Stitch the desired arrangement of buttons and/or rickrack in place.
3. If you prefer to use ribbon to tie the case, fold it in half and insert the folded edge halfway down the edge of the towel. Trap the folded ribbon in the stitches when the side edges are joined together to make the last pocket. If you choose touch fasteners to attach the case together, first stitch a scrap of trim to the back of hook portion of the touch fastener. Insert one edge of this tab halfway down the edge of the towel. Trap the end of the tab in stitches when the side edges are joined together to make the last pocket. To gauge the placement of the loop portion of the Velcro, insert various items into the finished pockets. When the case is rolled up, position the loop portion to fall under the hook tab and then stitch it in place.